Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Hands, feet and Bubbles

Kids went to creche this morning and I went back to bed. Bliss. Needed an hour and a half to catch up on the sleep loss that has accumulated since Will had his op.

We then had hot lunch and Jim took Will out in the buggy so he would sleep and Carys decided she wanted to play at hairdressers. This means Mummy gets to sit with her eyes closed while she has her hair very gently brushed and her forehead massaged. Lovely, until the numerous hairclips are inserted and your four year old gets very upset that you want to take them out before you leave the house.

This afternoon was a third birthday party to which both kids were invited. Peppa Pig was the guest of honour and terrified William to the point where he went and stayed at the other end of the hall. Having said that after food he spent ten minutes looking around and signing 'pig'.

Home by 5Pm, bath and bed by 6PM. Chinese now arrived, X-factor to come, beer on the table. I am so classy.

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