Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


Had a day out with my youngest, nickname Dizzle, which consisted of a failure to buy rugby boots but a successful March around London in search of military history (specifically visiting the Guards Museum and Household Cavalry Museum).

This picture of a gas mask is very scary. I don't know if it's yellowed with age or yellowed from actually being used during a mustard gas attack in the First World War but either way it's pretty horrific.

This was not typical. Most of the memorabilia is ceremonial and very interesting to the Dizzle who has a particular interest in the Household regiments.

London was fabulous in the sunshine although very touristy in places. Westminster bridge had several cup and ball merchants on it and I can't believe that people are stupid enough to stomp up forty quid just to be fleeced by the oldest scam in gambling, but I saw it happen more than once. One woman even went up to a policeman to ask if it was bent and was given a predictable response.

Maybe war, gambling and human stupidity are things that will never change ....

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