Daily Encounters

By RonaldBerry

Darkling Beetle Calamity

As I was working on yard chores this morning, I noticed a "Darkling" beetle (also known as a "Stink" beetle) in a difficult position. It seems he had crawled out onto one of the floating plants in our little back yard goldfish pond. He was in no immediate danger, but was obviously searching for a way off his little island.

The water moves in the pond by virtue of a pump that re-circulates the water through a spray head causing the floating plants to lazily move around the surface of the water. I watched, fascinated, as the beetle clambered from one floating plant to the next hoping to get to the edge and so make his escape.

It is more than a bit weird to identify with a beetle's life issues, yet I confess that I could easily empathize with his situation.
"Oh, crap! Look at this? I should have seen this coming! What to do now?"

The beetle provided me with my blip today. I helped him to shore safely.

Nice to scratch each other's back.

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