Through eyes of a flower

By poppyboden

It's deer day!

Saturday is the day when I really get to enjoy time with my dog. I can go further than just the golf course at the end of my road and I can make the most out of the beautiful weather we've been having recently. I decided to Bushy Park and take Fidget and Gladys (my housemates dog) to the ponds for a nice walk with Fran. The park was busy. There were charity runs going on and every man and his dog were out. Fishermen were lined up all round the ponds waiting patiently. We saw 2 people catch rather large common carp and release them back safely... Don't see the point myself, but each to their own. The male deer were all lazing about under the trees round the pond and every so often they'd be calling out to each other making their presence known. The dogs state on the lead this walk. It was a little too risky... Some of the deer got a little too close for comfort. This young male was happy to pose for a photo!

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