Double L

By Wyldkatt

My Mysterious Visitor

Life has a away of turning up surprises. As I type this blip, with difficulty, I do it around a young cat that is purring and sitting on my lap. She keeps nudging my my arms. The laptop is not really on my lap but on my knees.

Nine months ago we lost Spot. After that my husband said that he didn't want to get another cat. It's not that we don't love cats, we DO! It is just that too many are buried down the garden.

It's nice that we have a visitor - she has been with us for a couple of hours now. I keep showing her the door, but she comes back in.

Something like this happened to my mum and her husband. They said they would not get another cat and then they had a visitor that stayed more than a couple of days and more than a decade later they still had that cat.

Maybe that is how it should be....

In the meantime, I'll enjoy the lapcat :D

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