Once a Day in the West

By thatpowanwoman

Day 29 - Purchased

Day 29 of the Challenge - Purchased. More info can be found here about the Challenge.

Beautiful and very delicious cupcakes! These were actually a home baking donation for the refreshments at our monthly Local Producers Market. We had quite few left so I bought them as our contribution to the lunch on Sunday up at Glensluain - we are part of a a group of 5 families who have communally gathered and processed our own wood fuel throughout the spring, summer and autumn. I usually bow out of these firewood processing days as I spend my working week surrounded by wood and usually have cooking and housework to catch up on. So, this weekend, I sent cake with the troops and got on with the shopping, laundry and making chilli jam - thereby missing out on the cake, but gaining in a few hours of peace and quiet!

Also doing this challenge

Anyone else doing it, let me know and I'll post your link!!

This challenge is being tagged as 'photo challenge 082011' for easy searching.

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