
By Tinks

Archie Tyson

Firstly can I say a HUGE sorry for being rather squiffy (or is that squoffy) on Thursday night! Especially to Hope who after a bit of banter, that I really can't remember sent me to bed and to flick too, who in the shinanigans I managed to call Hope and was particularly sympathetic in the aftermath that was the hangover from hell!!

Friday day was pretty much written off, then Friday night was our kill or cure, leaving party! One glass of wine went down rather well, closely followed by the rest of the bottle! I had a top time but know what I'm like when I've had a few, so my next apology goes to Croz, who had to put up with pished Tinks until, apparantly, so they tell me, gone 2 a.m. ... sorry Croz!

Anyway! Here's Archie's eyes after a rather unpleasant disagreement with the corner of a TV cabinet last night! Luckily there was a Doctor at our party who sorted him out.

Now our brave little soldier keeps saying 'I got eye!' Poor Archie!

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