More Life of Sands

By sands

Pink Beauty

We were woken up at about 6am by the loudest thunderstorm I have ever heard in my life! The storm was right above us and the thunder was deafening! We managed to get back to sleep once it had passed, I'm glad to say!

I finally met baby A this morning! She is 6 months old and as cute as a button!! We mooched about this morning and went shopping for food for lunch.

D & I went to pick up A from Toulon Airport while N and I went for our first dive of the trip.

We dived a site called La Formigue which is a big rock/pinnacle not far from the marina. N was using his new drysuit for the first time and after a bit of phaffing about on the surface with weights, we had a lovely dive! There is a wee wreck called La Spahis at about 25m but I didn't find it this time. We saw a few of these gorgeous pink nudibranchs at the end of the dive.

A was at the apartment when we got back and it was great to see him again! We decided to try to go out for dinner with wee A this evening. I managed to eat her main course before having to head back to put wee A to bed as she was getting tired and grouchy!

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