Photos of things I see

By Aboak

Introducing my lovely guitar, Stuart

This is my trusty guitar - a cheap Spanish classical guitar called Stuart.

For years he lay in a dusty corner of my parents' garage, abandoned once I got my greasy teenage hands on a Stratocaster.

However, these days, Stuart brings me much joy now that I don't have a guitar amp to annoy everyone with.

Tonight I managed to convince Stuart that 'Stairway to Heaven' can be played in a jazz-funk style. There is no beginning to my talents.

Actually, last week I played my first ever gig with Stuart to an ecstatic audience of 4 year olds at my son's nursery. The staff want me back for another go.

I am suddenly in demand as a guitarist. Words I'd never thought I'd hear myself say (or type).

Anyway, back to photography :-
I think the depth of field is possibly too much. Will keep practicing.

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