In Today's Views...

By LovePopcorn

Green Light Yellow Light

Time-Lapse Experiment
Blip traffic light phasing from green to yellow to red

Tripod stationed 2 blocks away
Manually move camera to right as light changes to enhance/prevent overlap

View Nuances:
Two blocks away, from R to L:
stop sign, hanging green light halo and yellow light orb, the two "reflection" smaller cars in center, the double street light "attached" to rear tire, street center line that runs into rear tire
One block away, from R to L: sidewalk, grassy area, curb, large SUV with trees behind it, two red traffic lights from side (non-hanging) pole

I was unaware of how much traffic this intersection and side street experienced. Many shots were ruined or delayed by advancing/receding cars.
It was extremely difficult to gauge how far to move the camera as the lights changed, and to keep it level. I am sure the cop who parked in the parking lot near my tripod set-up must have thought I was a nut-case!

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