Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

Present Tense

Well it was tense for Hollow Jnr Jnr as we wouldn't give her presents before school (time constraint), so she had to wait all day. Then we took her straight from school to Sheffield for a treat meal out, so then she had to wait until eight o'clock when we got back! She didn't moan though.....

5 today!!!

Wow, it flies. She thinks she's all grown up now. Five years on Earth and two weeks at school and she knows it all :-D

Today's statement to prove this:
I'm scared of the dark. But if a monster came near me I would punch it in the face. No. In fact, I would punch it in the nuts!

I think she's picking a few things up at school.... :-/

Oh, and we had an Ofsted phone call today - Woo hoo! (sense the sarcasm there). Trust them to do that when I have a busy weekend coming up. [Tuts loudly]

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