Nesssaintee's World

By nesssaintee

Tuesday Evening and the W of Cassiopeia

Starting to get dark quite early now and after being away for a few days that blustery wind doesn't half feel cold.
My wee break away has done me a power of good though :-)
It's not exactly ideal seeing conditions out this evening, looking out east north easterly direction you can see the distinctive "W" shape of the constellation of Cassiopeia.
Couldn't resist trying to catch it with my camera, managed to catch the 6 main stars that make the shape (there are 53 stars associated with the constellation).
They are from top right Caph, then going down to Shedir, along to the left Achird, further along to the left is Tsih, then going down to Ruchbah, then at the lower left is Segin.
In Greek Mythology Cassiopeia was a vain queen who boasted of her unrivalled beauty
Apologies, they are rather faint :-(
So I've done something I've never done before and edited the image for clarity (just used auto brightness in MS Picture Viewer)

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