A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

What blip can't show you

But I can tell you... is that these jars are sealed. I know, I was beside myself with excitement too. One of my neighbours picked the apple tree of another neighbour and went around the remaining neighbours distributing said apples. I'm one of the lucky latter neighbours. So I made apple sauce and in looking for a recipe came across instructions for sealing in the jars and gave it a go and voila! Had to boil them for twice the time as the instructions gave which either means the instructions are wrong or I'm at a higher altitude than I thought. Either way, I don't care as I am very excited to have done something I've not done before. I feel like a factory. Am now thinking of other things I can seal in jars.

Other than that my main job was distributor of cuddles as J was off with a stomach bug. He lay around and read a lot and by bedtime seemed to have perked up sufficiently that he'll be back at school tomorrow.

Did some work too which was good to get some things done but I'm still not feeling back in the rhythm since the holidays and I'm conscious that as it is October on Saturday I perhaps should by now. Oh well, at least I learnt a new skill.

Lesley x

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