Life Dancing

By lifedancing

Sunny Afternoon

It is in Edinburgh, anyway.

Glorious weather for September - and great for Blipping.
I can only see it from the window due to chortling at Ruby Jones Blips and comments, watching daytime TV, writing a thesis

This is kinda responsible for today's Blip...since it lead to searching for old Beatles records in the shockingly dusty pile of old vinyl at the back of a cupboard.
I understand that Spotlight is reserved for the great and the good - but if a Beatles shot helps....? Some of us don't have fancy cameras (yet)...and still have no shame.

Anyhoo, the question now is Kinks or Beatles... Paul or Ray?
No contest, is there...?
Have put my Blip where my mouth is, so to speak

Oh... about the desecration on the vinyl...
After we'd all flown the nest, my lovely Pa decided to go through the huge collection of singles and LP's left behind - and write the names of who each belonged to on every one!!!!

Papi, we forgive you but only just

p.s Tried and failed to get the focus clearer on text och well

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