keeping the harvest

today I overslept - normally I wake naturally at 5.30 and doze a few minutes before the alarm goes off. Today I woke naturally at 6.50......
Which meant that Mr. Spitzi set off for work an hour late....oops.
But the Blings got their act together pretty quickly - biggest managed to get to school on time (7.15) and the other two got dressed very quickly and then were back on schedule.
I then went off to ....yeah, that's right, pick apples til it was time for pilates.
Then an hour pilates, come home, cook lunch, sort laundry, eat lunch, go through "how to find a work experience place" with big Bling so she could phone in the afternoon, deliver apples (640kgs), got complimented on my reversing with trailer improvements by a MAN!!!! Celebrate miracles for five seconds, pick up Bling2 from bass lesson, go back to apples, then harvest nuts, pumpkins and rosehips, go to pick up pig, chicken and rabbit food, deliver children to volleyball training, come home, cook.....pause to blip......before gathering all children back in again, picking more apples, doing more laundry and then, if I have enough time, make jam.
As I wrote on Facebook today - 24 hours doesn't go very far these days does it? To think I used to find days long and boring as a teenager!!
Big Bling got a place for the 2nd November - she can go for the day to a photo and digital media design thingy to have a look at what that job is like with a view to doing an apprenticeship in it. Blip has a lot to answer for........

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