my crazy world

By crazyworld

At the bottom of my garden ..

Is this tree ....not the best pic by far but just loved the sun coming through it especially in September!!

I'm just having a cheeky ten mins outside with a cuppa before it disappears ..

N has had a good first day back at school ..was worried but relaxed when I saw him smiling when he walked out ...he had his first day at French after school club so he was excited and rabbiting about that all the way home.

Decided that I need a break for a couple of days so am off to the beach in the October hols ...can't wait.

Didn't realise til today how stressed and tired Ns op had made me but now its all over ....phew..he still can't play football at lunch but hopefully next week.

Am off tomorrow to do some birthday shopping for a certain soon to be teenager next week...13 years has flown although some days feels like 130...who created hormones!...but through all of that we do have a strong bond and we will see the ups and the downs of these teenage years together

Hope you're all enjoying this summer !! Or the rain for you Scots !!

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