Lathyrus Odoratus

By lathyrus

Common Puffball

We have a local fungi expert (now in her late 80s) who runs a fungus 'foray' every October. This year I've been asked to go along and provide advice on photographing fungi for those that want it. The event is in about three weeks time so i thought I'd better use part of my day off work to walk around the location. It is a beautiful remnant of ancient pasture woodland, a rather rare habitat in these parts. It has been untouched for more than 70 years and has some magnificent beech and hornbeam trees. Although its only a couple of miles from the lowland heath where I normally walk and take my fungi shots, the habitat is completely different. At the moment there are hardly any fungi to be found. I only came across seven or eight species, none of them very exciting. I think its still too dry and too dark under the tree canopy. Hopefully there will be more around when we go back. However it was nice to see a few of these common puffballs as I haven't found them on the heathland yet.

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