zoomin' fast...

...right by me

back and forth... and back and forth... and back and forth... he went

and so did i today - about what to blip

one of those times when i have several shots i like and can't decide... and get all wishy-washy... as time ticks by... sigh...

i caught a beautiful sunrise - it spoke to me... as though god took his hand and painted the sky.

immediately after that - i turned and just about ran into 3 deer... 2 of whom i believe were ones from last week... we had a wonderful chat - they posed... the very young buck hid behind trees, playing shy with me - batting his eyes - made for adorable pictures that tell a wonderful story of nature...

but then... this bird -- or birds really - because there were about 5 of them swooping around me... taunting me with their song i didn't understand and flying away every time i tried to approach. i grew frustrated with blurred shots and wondered how other blippers manage to get birds like this in flight - so sharp and in focus... i clearly don't have the touch... but then this one - did his back and forth dance in front of me... flying low as if to provide me with an opportunity - to give me a chance to capture him. not that he slowed down any... however it was enough for me to focus my thought and attention for a moment just on him - how thoughtful... did he know? could he sense? are birds perceptive that way?

i don't know what kind of bird this is... and though he allowed me a precious opportunity, the shot is still not crystal clear - sharp - focused... i don't care. bird pictures are so rare for me i decided to go ahead and post it anyway - for it's my journal representation and the whole experience

made for a

happy day.....

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