Tonya's Photo Journal

By cameracrazy

The New Phone

There have been lengthy conversations the last 2 years with Loren about cell phones and the fact that he would like one, and us saying he didn't need one. He's used the line "But ALLLL my friends have one, mom" (that line didn't work with us, because we new several who didn't, liked that mattered). For me there was also the health hazard of brain cancer that neurosurgeons have linked to adolescent kids developing brain. Well, his wait is finally over. WE were going to wait until his 13th birthday to let him have one. BUT, with this upcoming trip to Washington DC with his school, we decided to get one for him just 2 months shy of his 13th birthday. I lectured him on the necessity of using the earpiece instead of having the phone to his head (what the doctor recommended) and yada yada yada. It was a hard decision but now I feel better that I'll have contact with him on the trip (even though dad is travelling along). That is, if he remembers to bring it. That's a whole other story with not an ending quite yet. I thought it was interesting the sticker that came on his new phone stating "Texting and can wait". Loren definitely gets that phrase, since both him and I witnessed an accident from a boy texting and driving. Less than a minute after the words "That kid is going to get in an accident" while texting in the car next to us, he hit someone. People don't stop and think that an unimportant answering of a message that could wait could take the life of somebody. That's one of the cons of technology. My own sister and niece were in an accident from a girl texting while driving and running a stoplight.

Now that I've ranted about cell phones I think it's funny to talk a bit about my day. I've been sick the last 3 days and today I texted my hubby what my schedule would be today since he's taking over my role as follows for a Wed.:

*Drop kids off at school
*Pickup grandma at 9:15 for 9:30 hair appt.
*Pick her back up at 10:45 and take her home.
*Throw in laundry/start crock-pot dinner/clean litter boxes/wipe down bathrooms.
*Pick up Landon at 12:30 and give his teacher money/permission trip for field trip.
*Pick up Loren at 12:50.
*Go back and pick up Liam and Cody at 1:30 from violin (in between, do homework with Landon while waiting for violin to be over).
*Take Landon to JAM session at 5:15-6:15 and Loren to Youth Group from 5:45-7:30
*Drop Liam off at soccer from 6:00-7:30
*Come home and cook rice/stir-fry veggies to go with crock-pot meal (orange chicken)

Nana to the rescue.....she took over soccer duty for us. Thank you Nana! Poor Gary, he must be tired! And to think....I wanted more children. haha

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