Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Picking fights

They make mini party rings, half the size of the grown up version and you get a whole little bag of them.

Had a bad day today. Wasn't feeling well but we had to go and do a shop. Nearly fainted in the supermarket after standing up from a low shelf too quick. Didn't bother reading the packaging of a product I know well so didn't notice I'd picked up the wrong flavour. On taking a bite as we left the supermarket I realised it tasted of orange. Spat it out but was still left feeling unwell. Was supposed to be at a meeting in the evening, it was important as it was to complete the risk assessments for samhuinn so I dragged myself out.

By the time I got there I was feeling very unwell, picked a fight with a set of stairs and lost. Cue ambulance being called. Quick response car guy was happy that I'd probably get away without being taken to A&E but I'd have to wait for the ambulance and get checked over properly. With a lot of pain in my shoulder they decided they wanted to take me in after all. It got my friend M out of a boring meeting anyhow as he came along with me. In the ambulance I learnt that my body does not like gas and air, I should have taken the morphine, the canula would have been a far pleasanter experience.

They've got a fancy new xray machine at the hospital. For upper body xrays you stand up against a screen and they xray you like that. This would be fine, only they didn't notice that it I was suffering from dizziness, nausea(sp?) and a blood pressure problem. After a few minutes of standing my blood pressure bottomed out. Thakfully I realised what was happening and was able to let them know before I fell and hit the ground. Think I gave them quite a shock though. The rest of the xrays were taken with me sitting on a stool, far more sensible.

3 hours later and the doctor gave me the all clear, just soft tissue damage (I could have told them that myself). I really wish doctors saw you when the paramedics first brought you in, still in pain and unable to move. By the time they've pumped you full of drugs, made you lose all will to live and you're desperate to get out of there, you seem relatively ok and therefore get subjected to patronising doctors being down right rude!

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