
By mojopin8


So here we are, I've made it to 100 blips without missing a day. I have to say there have been highs and lows. On the positive side, I've got more exercise having to go on walks to try and find a pic everyday, which is good. I've also stopped being a lazy photographer and now shoot everything on manual like I should do, I've rediscovered all the things that I'd learnt and forgotten. I'm not too proud to admit that I've also learnt things that I knew nothing about, which I'm glad to incorporate into my work. I suppose the highlight of the first 100 would be at one point having 3 out of the top 8 pictures on the rated page, which was nice.
Instead of listing my favourite pics so far, I thought I'd break down how they were composed instead:

Grace - 11 blips
Baggins - 4 blips
Sheep/lambs - 13 blips
Birds - 8 blips
Other animals - 5 blips
Farm buildings - 14 blips
Landscape - 24 blips
Other - 21 blips

What can I say, I live on a lovely farm in lovely landscape with lots of sheep. I have a beautiful daughter and a handsome cat.
Thankyou to anyone who has ever viewed, commented or rated any of my pictures. Thanks to Gracie pie, Baggins and the sheep, and thanks to Mary who will post her 100th blip later today.

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