Alignment of the beltfilter at unit EC 5

This filter is placed directly behind the trash rakes in te suctionpart of the seacoolingwaterpump.

It consists of filterscreens, placed at a kind of belt which is rotating slowly when the waterlevels before and after the filter are not in line anymore.
So when the level at the pumpside of the filter is decreasing compared to the level before you can say the filter is getting dirty.
Then the belt is going to rotate automatically and the dirt (small fish, barnacles, mussels, seaweed and so on) is blown off by rinsing water.
The debris and fish is then lead back to the sea through a gutter.
So in this way most of the fish should survive.
Or will be eaten..; look here.

Here in this picture you see the filter is supported by the overheadcrane to make the neccessary adjustments.

In the back: the trashrake cleaners; every unit has two of them.

Here in LARGE....

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