Indian Summer

23months 8days

It's been a while since we've had a splash shot from Katie, but with this weather, what else would you expect? This was nearly the blip, but the grin won me over. I'm not sure I made the right decision though!

It's been a fabulously lovely day. We went to Montessori (with a little protesting at my insistance she wear clothes, but the promise of "pretty colours"-painting- sold it). She had a great time there, headed straight for the painting and sticking. She played with the playdoh, played with the babies and kitchen toys, had a lot of fun and was confident at wandering between things, coming for a cuddle every now and again.

We went and got a few bits from the village after toddlers, she had an early lunch and then a second lunch when we got to our afternoon destination - the lake! We went with H&A, Emma and mummies and some other friends. The picnic was a fab shared "pile in" affair, and the children floated between that and feeding the ducks and fish through the fencing.

After lunch, we set off to have a walk round. We didnt get very far before we decided it was too nice to not let the children in the water. I would include myself in that number and was first to get in (of course, for the children to safely have someone in and out the water!) They had so much fun splashing about. When they got out, we let them run round on the grass to dry off. They discovered a sand pit. And rolled in it. It was brilliant fun.

Katie (unsurprisingly) fell asleep on the journey home. We popped over to the town (to get a present for gorgeous baby Eden) before we have come home for some tea, bath and I suspect an early night for one hot, sticky but happy baba! She's currently watching Mr Producer, the Cameron Macintosh celebration and is totally fascinated.

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