world outside your window

By thewanderlust

sunset over sydney

spot the opera house and the bridge!

took this on my iphone this evening as M and i found a wonderful rocky outcrop to watch the sun set from. a pity not to have my slr as it would have been fun to try and take a 'proper' shot, but this shall do for now.

we took a drive into sydney this afternoon and had an evening meander around Neilsen Park and the ominously named 'Shark Bay'. looks like a nice place to swim in the harbour, and the presence of shark nets is either a. reassuring or b. a reminder of the sharks about. still to decide! for some reason i had expected shark nets to be fully submerged under the water, but then of course they have to stick out above the water too... to accommodate different tides (and jumping sharks...).

sorry i've had so little time to look at your journals. it's a busy time. but i shall catch up eventually...

looking at a potential place to lease tomorrow morning. fingers crossed. and then we'll watch the rugby from Bondi - c'mon Scotland!!! Fingers very crossed for that one!

have a great weekend everyone.

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