
By eightthirty

clear, level, ready

8:30 am and just inspecting yesterday's work.

This is the west-side of our house where the previous owner had laid timbers as a walkway. Owing to the volume of moisture, the age of the timber and the lack of sunlight, the walkway was getting a little spongy. Yesterday, I lifted the timbers and levelled the ground.

A few months ago, I liberated some slabs from @itch's garden which he needed removed. Now they will come in handy. Today will see the start of some slabs going down.

It's nice to be taking this job slowly and in short bursts, allowing time for other things - like this afternoon we went into Edinburgh on the bus and spent a good three hours taking a first look at the newly-renovated National Museum of Scotland.

I loved it. Mrs theWeir loved it. The weeWeir loved it.

We got the train home and enjoyed some family time later too.

Did I mention it was gloriously warm today too?

How glad are we that we are on holiday!

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