A Slow Life

By Sootmouth

Leaving Wellington

I had to get up at six this morning in order to catch the 8am ferry to Picton. 6am - what a way to start a holiday!

Actually, as so often happens, it was really lovely travelling through the streets at that time. Everything was so peaceful.

The blip shows the view from the ferry as we pulled out of Wellington. We've had such wonderful weather in the capital this week but, alas, it's not forecast to last. Nevermind, I've got two huge books with me so I'll be all good if it starts raining.

I'm typing this at the hostel in Nelson. One of the reasons I chose this week for a trip away was to avoid some of the rugby that's going on in Wellington. So, it was with no little irony, that I find on arriving that there is a rugby game on here - Australia vs Russia - and the streets are filled with fans.

I suppose I should support a team, but which one? Hold on, why do I suddenly have a strange craving for vodka...?

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