La vida de Annie

By Annie


... are great. If I lived here I'd keep one as a pet and teach it lots of swear words in different languages, and then blame the previous owner. This one lives in the bar at the little zoo here, which #1 daughter wouldn't let me go round "as they don't have proper animals except for the croc and the llama". Admittedly it is dedicated to local species of cattle, birds and reptiles but that's part of the charm of the place, and the llama can always be relied on to spit at you, which makes me homesick for Liverpool... I was allowed a coffee, however, which is progress of sorts as since the latest health incident I've not been able to drink my favoured strong black cuppas, the very smell of it making me nauseous. Having to drink it weak and with milk but at least it's a step back towards normality.

Africa is an indeterminate brown today.

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