
By ausmossie

Catch it.

I am sorry to anyone who viewed or commented on my previous post. I just liked this pic much better. I was (as usual) down at the park watching people let their dogs run loose when some wag decided it woud be fun to run a remote control car through the pack. The dogs went crazy chasing it.

Original post
Yesterday when I was down at the park, they were spraying the trees with something but I didn't know what it was. I knew it couldn't be water because they were spraying the whole tree and it had been raining for almost 2 days. Today I think I figured out why. They were trying to kill these little beasties (original post) which I have a feeling burrow into the trees to pupate and damage them.

They drove through the park with a huge truck and sprayed all over the place. The Chinese people just moved out of the way and then went and sat back down when the truck moved on. Having worked in mosquito control/spraying for 12 years in Brisbane, I am well aware of how much something sprayed in that fashion can drift. I am positive such a method would be banned in most other places because of the danger.

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