In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

It's a mystery

It's a mystery, I cannot believe that it is October already, Where has the time gone? Something to do with getting older I believe.
Somebody said today that birthdays are good for you. Apparently the more you have , the longer you will live.
It's a mystery. How can Aberdeen Football Club, a team that has been so dire for so long, put in a performance like they did last night? I mean most people never thought that they would win, let alone trounce Dunfermline 4-0.
It's Mystery. Well this book, my latest purchase, is about all the ghosts and strange things that have occurred over the centuries in Aberdeen. But on a cursory flick through, there seems to be stuff in it that is un-necessary. Like some stones done as a piece of art down by the beach. Not mysterious at all. just an art instillation. Still There must be some interesting bits in it. I will soon find out.
It's a mystery. Speaking of books; I went into the Oxfam bookshop the other day and purchased another local history book, The Silver Screen in The Silver City, and was going to buy another one, The City By The Grey North Sea. This book 's original price of £3.49, Oxfam had a price of £14.99 on it. How can they rip people off like that. I know it is a charity shop, but...

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