
By katish

Happy October! Can you believe it's here already? We've got fall weather coming in here. I hit up the local farmer's market today. It was really very a summation of all the things that Bellingham is--local, organic fruit and veg, homemade honey, pastries, silks, purses, glass, pottery, scarves, specialty egg rolls. Yeah, seriously! It was nice. I'm not sure what this instrument is, but it made a beautiful sound. Also went to church, and went on a bit of a shopping spree.

Wisdom for the day, for those of you, probably all of us, that are angry/have been angry with someone over the years:

"To lick your wounds and savor the pain it will give back is in many ways a feast fit for a king. But then it turns out that what you are eating at the banquet of bitterness is your own heart. The skeleton of the feast is you. You start out holding a grudge, but in the end the grudge holds you."

-Frederick Buechner

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