aunty betty's

you can't go to stonehaven and not have an aunty betty's ice cream...I love that shop (so does daisy who went for a mint ice cream with all the toppings available)

I was doing a craft fair in stonehaven, so it was an early start for us - daisy came along as my helper. I was surprised when she agreed as she's not an early riser, but she was dead keen. when I'm doing a craft fair I really try not to buy anything from other stalls - it kind of defeats the purpose of being there, so when daisy had spent all the money in her purse and wanted to move onto the money in my purse...she was disappointed. she fell out with me for a good hour of the three hour fair.

apart from that she was great!

the fair was really busy and I sold heaps, so it was a good morning. I'm glad I have a month til my next fair though...I have heaps to do.

long lie tomorrow - woohoo!

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