Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Breathing deeply

Last winter, when the cold weather hit, so did my asthma. I could barely get up the street for coughing and wheezing. In an aim to improve my lungs ready for this winter I invested in a Powerbreathe. It's used twice a day and provides resistance to the lungs as you breathe through it. As your lung power improves, the resistance can be increased. We'll see if it works. I'm also hoping it might improve my exercise tolerance as I might have signed up for something fun next year. But more on that later...

In other news:

I went to a CV writing class today. I've never really had a CV and with no real work history to speak of, I had no idea where to begin explaining the gaps and fitting in my studying and extra curricular activities in the place of jobs. It was really helpful, I still have a lot of typing up to do for it but I now know how to sell myself without having a "traditional" history for my cv. The woman was even kind enough to give us her email address so we can send them on to her for proof reading and improvement. Next Sunday I have a "How to improve your success at interview" class.

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