Netters and co

By Netters


Yes, another child blip, well I have kids, I do shit all else but look after them so a child blip it is. It has been so hot today :-O Freya really wanted her paddling pool out "CanIhavemypoolout" about 200 times this afternoon, its a biggish pool that takes and age to fill so I declined her kind offer of getting it out f the shed for me and produced a plastic box for her to sit in instead, obviously she wasnt as thrilled with this as she might have been but it did the job, I also squirted her with the hose which again, she wasnt as thrilled with as she might have been, but it did the job .

The sun has gone to her head I believe, this evening Rob took the dog out, Freya decided she wanted to go, usually this is fine, but she was filthy, needed a bath, it was getting late, she was tired etc and also she was naked, so not really suitably dressed for a hike through the woods. So I said she couldnt go and promised her a nice bath with me instead (yes I can see how that wouldnt compensate for a nice walk with daddy and the dog but never mind) Rob opened the door to leave, Freya was screamingand crying and shouting, I never thought for a second she would bolt out of the door after him and set off up the road naked :-O but she did ! and not even in a discreet manner, screaming, crying and naked, oh yes I could see the net curtains twitching. I had to go after her, with jemima in my arms, also screaming , for a different reason though and thankfully clothed. I got her back indoors where she continued to scream and cry, then i gave her a chocolate and she shut up. Thank goodness for chocolate.

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