
By BikerJim

~Ramada Sunset~

~Patio And Sky~

In the southwestern United States,
a ramada is a temporary or permanent shelter
with a roof but no walls, as in a patio.
Ramadas have traditionally been constructed with branches
or bushes by native Americans living in the region.
However, the term today is also applied
to permanent concrete, wooden, or steel structures
used to shelter people from the sun.
Important in Tucson, Arizona!

Is the instant when the trailing edge of the sun's
disk disappears below the horizon in the west.
The sunset is often more brightly colored than the sunrise,
with the shades of red, orange and pink being more vibrant.
There tends to be more dust in the lower atmosphere
at the end of the day than at the beginning.
During the day, the sun heats the air,
lowering the humidity and increasing wind speed and turbulence,
which serves to lift dust into the air.
At sunset the light has traveled a long distance
through the atmosphere leaving only
the longest wavelengths like orange and red.
The reddened sunlight illuminates clouds and other particles.
The combination of orange and red clouds
and the blue sky can produce a variety of stunning colors.

Sorry if I got carried away with the above dissertation,
but I thought it was interesting to understand
how a sunset works. And a ramada. ;o))

Thanks for looking and reading.

As a side note, for those who didn't know,
I had to return my new Canon 40D for repair,
ten days ago, tho it seems like and eternity!
But according to FedEx, I should have it back
in my hot little hands tomorrow afternoon.
Yea, Woo Woo, Holy Moly, Yippee!!!
Did I mention I'm wild with excitement
and an-tic-i-pa-tion-n-n!!!

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