Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

A Mere Box ?

...AA Box number 372.

These black and yellow buildings used to be known as 'the lighthouses of the road'. In the past motoring enthusiasts relied upon them for directions, breakdown help, and support throughout their travels.

Individually numbered, each AA call box had its own sentry (up until 1919 I think?) and well-documented location.
A stranded motorist had to do nothing more than call and give the number of the kiosk, and help was on the way. The easily recognized logo meant that a traveller could find a light, maps, fire extinguisher, and many other items whenever they were needed.
Isn't that nice?

I have an attack of nostalgia every time we pass this one, and have been 'camera-ready' on about 15 occasions to capture it! It always comes upon us rather suddenly and over the years I've deleted many images of merely blurred trees (no pun intended)! This is not great, but we didn't slow the car at all (time being short) so it's somewhat of a personal triumph that there's an image there at all!

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