Moments & Memories

By NettieWriter


I grew up in a poor working class area of Glasgow. For us, going to England for a holiday was the ultimate in glamour, even if we did stay in a caravan. But my Uncle Jack & Aunt Bemil were as exotic as they came.

Jack & Bemil were world champion ballroom dancers and travelled and lived all over the world. They were especially popular in Africa and the far east, spending many months in South Africa and Japan. They occasionally sent a present to my gran, tokens from their world travel. That's how we got the fine china dragon tea service.

I now know these are ten-a-penny, but to a kid in Easterhouse this tea service was a thing of beauty and wonder. I was particularly fond of the teacups which, when you upturned them into the light, showed the delicate portrait of a Japanese lady on the bottom. I used to beg to be trusted to take a cup out and hold it up to the window so I could see her again an again.

The service is mine now. I have only kept a few pieces as we just don't have the room for it. But on a sunny day, I still like to travel back to Japan through the bottom of a tea cup.

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