Looking Good

Dad is ok after his operation, last night the surgeon said that it went better than they anticipated (see everybody should be like me and see the glass half full rather than half empty because I was a lot more positive in thinking that everyone around me). Today mum visited (she went last night but he was on the ventilator) and said his mind was sharp, he was remembering things which she thought he'd never think about while he was laid up - like he had to pay a bill on Wednesday and he was barking out orders to mum. He's making good progress and only had a small oxyegen mask on she said he looked healthy and pink. I'm not silly enough to assume that everything will be all ok, but thinks are looking up and hopefully he will recover enough so that the stents are fitted sooner ratehr than later - looking forward to visiting my parents house in a few weeks when its a smoke free zone :) My mother has promised to give up before dad coems home so that this time he will give up the evil weed :)

ps a bit of an emergency shot tonight Apache has parked himself on a black throw so he's invisible and I couldn't do 3 on the trot of D

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