Pixel Smiths

By pixelsmiths


You: Oh, Pixelsmiths, another great people shot!

Me: Ah, yeah, so you can see her in the t(r)ea leaves

You: Oh yes, OMG your people shots are really progressing, this is surely one of your best.

Me: Ah well, I suppose it's not bad, I feel that I could do better. I am not really that happy with her hair, looks a bit tangled to me.

You: Oh, you are right, it has a sort of dead look about it.

Me: Ah, yeah must be the wrong sort of conditioner, and you know, winter is arriving tonight so it's probably something to do with the weather. You know that heaps of snow is forecast eh?

You: Oh, so that's why there is hair all over the ground then ...

Me: Ah, dunno, I guess so. Some weird weather phenomena I guess ...

Me: Anyway, I am preparing for a work presentation tomorrow and have had a super busy day, so I'd better go.


P.S. I'll probably be shooting her sister tomorrow ... People photography is so easy!

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