
Update: Turns out the Primals, hilariously, can't even identify their own tunes. It was, in fact, the Dandy Warhols' Bohemian Like You that May exited stage (very) right to yesterday.

Nonetheless, although the Primals' beautifully-worded accusations about the Tories may not be true, what the beautifully-worded accusations tells us about the Tories is true.

Now. When can we expect the Warhols' statement?

"Primal Scream are totally disgusted that the Home Secretary Theresa May ended her speech at the Tory party conference with our song Rocks.

How inappropriate. Didn't they research the political history of our band?

Hasn't she listened to the words? Does she even know what getting your rocks off means? No. She is a Tory; how could she?

Primal Scream are totally opposed to the coalition government, Cameron, Osborne, Gove, Howard, Clegg etc. They are legalised bullies passing new laws to ensure the wealthy stay wealthy, taking the side of big business while eradicating workers' rights and continuing their attacks on young people, single parents and OAP's by slashing education and social security budgets, and persecuting the poor for being poor.

We would like to distance ourselves from this sick association.

The Tories are waging a war on the disenfranchised, They are the enemy.

Primal Scream"

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