Re-Vision: A Photo Journal

By shellkaysm

Simple Joy

Thanks so much for all the sweet comments for my 100th blip yesterday. It really made my day to see that I actually got on the spotlight page (for a few hours anyhow). Not that I aim for recognition, but it does feel good to know others enjoy stopping by my journal & sharing this journey with me. I actually signed up for blip the day after my birthday & have been amazed at how it has truly changed my vision. I am forever spotting potential shots in everything I do! Life seems to go in fast-forward & there are so many frustrations (& anger-inducers) watiting around every corner, but it's refreshing to have such a simple joy to look forward to each day-something that forces out the positive.

Today's shot is far less than my best, but I like how the tassels above this field rustle & sway when I pass this spot. It's comforting. The sky was really this shade of cloudless blue today & the sunshine felt glorious. My mood is not as cheerful, however, as those frustrations & tough choices seem to be piling up. I keep trying to trust the answers & opportunities will find me when I'm ready.

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