Life with Gaia

By happyyoga

Spathiphyllum floribundum - The Peace Lily

The common name, Peace Lily, is from the universally acknowledged white flag of truce during battles. The cream or yellow colored spadix of each flower that is enclosed by the white spathe represents the pole or stick, whereas, the white spathe represents the flag.

I will be glad when we have so little mental reference or remembrance of war that nothing is named for any aspect of it. (It could happen)

Ah well, but for today - it rained! It rained very long and now there is not a hint of smoke in the air, though that could be wishful thinking on my part. It seems pretty pathetic to have gotten ourselves to where the Everglades and Lake Okechobee's dried bed have caught on fire.

But for today - there were many blessings.

But for today - gratitude.

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