Way of Life

By wayoflife


Part 8: Tony Ray-Jones, The English

Part 9: Alfred Stieglitz, Equivalents
Alfred Stieglitz gave me my first insights into the position photography has in the world of art. Admittedly, photography has come a long way since Stieglitz's time, but sometimes I get the feeling that a lot of people consider it the bottom rung of the creative ladder. After all, we just point and click, right?

Stieglitz's story goes that after showing some of his prints, he was told that the strength of his photos came from the inherent interest of the subject, not from anything artistic that Stieglitz had done. Outraged, Stieglitz decided to embark on a study of clouds to justify that photography was a legitimate art form. In the end he produced over 200 of them, which he organized into groups called Equivalents. These photos are often credited as the beginning of abstract photography.

You can see some of his Equivalents here.

Incidentally, my very first Blip was my tip of the hat to Alfred Stieglitz.

Part 10: The Blip Community and other photographers

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