It Started Down Under

By dirk

Home Pigeon

Today I worked on my design project at home. The weather was so nice, that I in fact sat in the garden while drawing a visualization for my project. I was not alone, the entire day I was in the company of this young pigeon.

He must have fallen out of a tree or something like that, because he was unable to fly away. He sat a bit on the furniture, walked over to the other side, admired his mirror image in the windows and sat a bit longer...
I was starting to feel sad for the poor creature, so I drove him through the garage into the front yard, where he would be able to at least have a longer distance to take flight. I hope he is well...

This evening I had rehearsal with the choir in Middelbeers and afterwards my girl and I dropped off one of the directors of our musical and then went to StudentSounds in 013 Tilburg. More about that tomorrow.

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