"We're born, we live for a brief instant, and we die."
- Steven Paul Jobs 1996

I woke up to the sad news this morning that the man who had the dreams and vision to bring us electronic devices like the IPod, IPhone, IPad, MacBook Pro had died.

Like or loathe the Apple brand, the fact is their products have changed the way we live and brought technology into the hands of not just IT people but the mass market. Even my 11 year old daughter knows all about the new features of the device only announced 2 days ago an how she would use it if she had one.

The IPod changed how I listened to music. The IPhone changed how I surfed the web on the go, picked up emails, got directions and a whole host of other useful stuff through simple applications running on my phone. The IPad (Mrs P's), well it changed how we surfed the web, looked at photographs, played games, checked up on emails and even how we used recipes in the kitchen whilst cooking. The MacBook has changed how i work each day, no longer wasting ages frustrated with windows and its constant patching and application crashes. All have changed the way i do things and helped my life in a tiny way each day.

I had been swithering about buying the new IPhone 4S or moving to an Android phone since the 4S was announced a couple of days ago, but thinking about the Apple stuff I've had over the years and what little changes/impact they have made to my life I think I will just go ahead and get it when its released next week.

US President Obama's tribute summed it up nicely for me: "The world has lost a visionary"."And there may be no greater tribute to Steve's success than the fact that much of the world learned of his passing on a device he invented."

Like so many other blippers today, it didn't feel right to post anything other than an Apple related blip. These are the last of our apples, picked 10 minutes after the IPhone 4S was announced a few days ago.

Thank you Mr Jobs. Rest In Peace.


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