Jack James

By JackJames


After a solid 8 hours sleep, spent the whole day over in KB campus, getting frustrated by the demonstrators for the lab we had, who were sending mixed messages, resulting in us spending an unnessisary hour on a map that could have been 20 mins. Oh well; happy now after sorting out my shift for friday - which would have resulting in a nightmarish 3 hours sleep before 2 days of fieldwork.

I've been wanting to try capturing incense burning for a while, unfortunately they didn't come out to well. Think i'll try again at some point, with more light than the single 11W bulb I had to hand today!

Work yesterday wasn't so bad, spent about 3 hours serving the folk club and watch Colum Sands play. Enjoyed the music, but the Guinness tap was having a nightmare; which combined with the old chaps being rather fussy meant I fell out of favour.

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