I'm so tired ....

I could almost take a photo while I pretend to sleep on the bus. Oh the looks I got as I attempted to sleep then found my arms lifting up the phone, fumbling to take a photo, hitting the wrong button, opening a weird settings panel, selecting the flash inadvertently, checking the photo, taking another, while sleeping, then checking that I only had four double chins, touching another random menu button by accident, taking another one, nearly missing bus stop one. Oh can't a man get no sleep! It is a good job I used the high discretion, low image quality gadget phone camera rather than the considerably louder clickety click attention grabbing normal camera.

I was imagining the conversation between a concerned passenger and the driver.

'Excuse me, but there is some weird guy up the back of the bus taking photos of himself asleep. Should we contact the authorities?'

'Oh no. He must be suffering from that well known condition, Photoneselfwhenusleep Syndrome. There is little we can do but be patient and hope he snaps out of it one day.'

By the way, my normal make up artist and lighting crew were not available to increase authenticity but I am assured that when I sleep in a bed, I normally look like a sleeping angel.

The advantage of the early shot is a peaceful evening, hence allowing more sleep. The incovenience is that I can only estimate a rather mild


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