
By jkj10

A Lick of Wicked in that Smile

My lunch with Ben was cancelled today. He is flat out since the big delivery arrived. I decided to insinuate myself on him anyway and showed up on his doorstep for a brief little visit. He is in town for only one more week and I am starting to feel a bit edgy about it. I have considered locking him in an ivory tower and feeding him nothing but bon bons and champagne. I am not sure he would be too unhappy with the arrangements.

The gorgeous Taylor will be heading back to NYC on Wednesday so we arranged to have a little session on Monday. He wants a background to remind him of his time in London. Any ideas around South Ken? We will definitely use the Michelin building and the V&A. While Taylor is absolutely gorgeous, and adorable and very photogenic there is only one male muse for me. Only one dapper and elegant muse. Okay Ben? Are you reading this? There is only one for me.

Sorry for not responding to comments last night. I did warm you that my man insists I leave the house at night when he is in town. We had a very romantic dinner for two. He still makes me laugh so much.

A few more.

Happy Friday.

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