Re-Vision: A Photo Journal

By shellkaysm

The Cows Went Home

Pressed for time again on my drive home, so this was the best I could do. I like the white fence lining the field with the red maples & was hoping the cows would be there to grace the shot. Guess it was time for them to "go home" by the time I got there! (Think I see one on the other side).

One farm I routinely go by on my way home is just rounding the cows at that time. They are all slowly trodding down their walkway toward the barn, munching on grass along the way, & sometimes (particularly when my camera isn't poised) one or two will turn & look back at me passing by.

After two loads of laundry a quick vacuuming upstairs, I should have a quiet evening at home, alone. I need that, really. It's a light some candles & relax kind of night ahead for me.

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