LocalBoy & His Fotographs

By stevenbirrell

Can I Take Yer Fotie?

Drove past this demonstration against the coalition government's public spending cuts. There were about 15 people there and they were starting to pack up and disperse as I arrived (fair play it has been raining all morning!).

There were two police officers making sure protests remained peaceful - but I think they were expecting a lot more people as there were crash barriers lined up along the street.

For those who know Dunfermline, this was taken at the bottom of Garvock Hill, facing towards Touch primary school. I thought it was a bit of an odd place to hold a demo, wasn't outside a landmark building (the old industrial units where the vine church was/still is) but it does get a fair bit of passing traffic for people to see their message I suppose.

Not quite brave enough to ask someone in the street for a portrait, but I did ask these men if I could get a quick shot and they agreed.

I am going to be off the blip radar for a wee while - I will miss the live posting of my 100th blip on Monday which is a shame. Wife couldnt believe it was that many! I will still have the camera with me but won't have the laptop. So a big series of backblips await.

Thanks for all the comments and encouragement I have received since joining blipfoto, I really do appreciate it. The 15 blippers who subscribe to my journal and comment - an even bigger thanks and a big :-) for you all!

Gone Fishin' - see you in a bit!

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