Water Tank

This is what happens to comply with Arizona Dust Control Regulations.

Added more info below because this first paragraph was written live during a presentation "How I Blip" and my Lightroom 3 workflow at our Digital Imaging Group.

Dust control is important in the desert because the soil is very dry and plowing, excavating, and grading can raise huge clouds of dust. It is especially important because that dust can contain spores of Valley Fever which is a hard to cure fungal and other infections of the human lungs. Hence, strict regulations for dust control in construction projects.

These tanks on stilts are coupled with Spray Trucks that wet down the soil prior to and during digging operations. The tanks are connected to a fire hydrant for filling. They are emptied by gravity through a large opening, probably 10 or 12 inches, which enables the Spray Truck to be filled quickly. The tank on stilts then are refilled slowly by the fire hose while the Spray Truck is spreading water.

For Part Two I'll look for a Spray Truck to Blip.

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